From The Free Dictionary:
be·lief (b
1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another: My belief in you is as strong as ever.
2. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: His explanation of what happened defies belief.
3. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.
Belief is a word I hold very close to my heart. It's a word that has driven me to the ascending heights that I sit on today; without Belief I'd still be a boring Advertising Executive at the bottom end of the food chain in sterile and culture-less Singapore.
Here are ten things that I believe in. I live by it.
"I Believe..."
1) "...I have left a poorer country for a richer one. If I cannot exercise choice, there's no freedom."
2) "...I have witnessed the media manipulation by the autocratic regime. At least here in Australia, both parties get a fair go."
3) "...truth will always be a casualty in Singapore."
4) "...I can control my pursuit of truth. I can shape my own future, my own fame, my own accolades and my own destiny. All this in Australia."
5) "...I will not return to a country that practices meritocracy and considers anyone over 40yo as over the hill."
6) "...I can change the world 'coz I'm not in Singapore."
7) " a child, I was villified and heckled by other Singaporeans 'coz I am different. They're afraid of me. They're myopic and cannot see the forest for the trees. What do they know?"
8) "...I can practice my own beliefs, cultivate my personality, say what I want and not be afraid to be myself 'coz I'm not in Singapore."
9) "...I am fucking talented, in spite of my limited talent."
10) "...I deserve a chance to be here, 'coz Australia is my calling and I can make a difference."
Belief is a word I hold very close to my heart. It's a word that has driven me to the ascending heights that I sit on today; without Belief I'd still be a boring Advertising Executive at the bottom end of the food chain in sterile and culture-less Singapore.
Here are ten things that I believe in. I live by it.
"I Believe..."
1) "...I have left a poorer country for a richer one. If I cannot exercise choice, there's no freedom."
2) "...I have witnessed the media manipulation by the autocratic regime. At least here in Australia, both parties get a fair go."
3) "...truth will always be a casualty in Singapore."
4) "...I can control my pursuit of truth. I can shape my own future, my own fame, my own accolades and my own destiny. All this in Australia."
5) "...I will not return to a country that practices meritocracy and considers anyone over 40yo as over the hill."
6) "...I can change the world 'coz I'm not in Singapore."
7) " a child, I was villified and heckled by other Singaporeans 'coz I am different. They're afraid of me. They're myopic and cannot see the forest for the trees. What do they know?"
8) "...I can practice my own beliefs, cultivate my personality, say what I want and not be afraid to be myself 'coz I'm not in Singapore."
9) "...I am fucking talented, in spite of my limited talent."
10) "...I deserve a chance to be here, 'coz Australia is my calling and I can make a difference."
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