This is a blog about John, his dog Toby and his furry duck Ducky. Ok seriously, just another RMIT Television blog. Nothing to see here. Moving on now.

Friday, July 13, 2007

"No hard feelings mate. i just thought the wrongs had to be made right again." - Lily Goh, 16 June.

None taken.

There were no wrongs in my post. All were assumptions, or has the vagaries of the English language gone out of your window lately?

Case(s) in point:

“As far as I know, ALL Prof Comm students are pursuing TV as an interest, but do not see TV as a career”

I represent all the Prof Comm students who have told me how challenging and richly rewarding it is to work with the Media kids as they get to see ideas and practices from peers. These are also the same kids who have professed no desire to work in the television industry, but only to learn the ropes. Having said that, you and I have not had enough conversations about what you - as a Prof Comm student - intend to do. Perhaps, if you spent less time knocking me for my beliefs (non-Christian, Asian racist or not), we'd be able to sort it out :) Nobody is right here, and nobody is wrong.

"...also do not find it difficult for any Prof Comm student to make input in discussions..."

You were speaking for yourself here Lily. How much feedback have you received from your fellow Prof Comm friends? As a member of the Student Staff Consultative Committees (SSCC) it is my job to check on my Prof Comm friends. I'm also speaking from the guy-about-town's opinion, as I'm quite the social butterfly in the Prof Comm circle. Or haven't you already discovered that? :O Well I'm glad that you and I do not have any problems with the Media kids. There are some out there who do. And I'm speaking for them.

"Lastly, i would just like to say that i think Bill is an amazing person and an amazing student slash team member..."

Not once did I mention Bill being egotistical male chauvinist who doesn't value Prof Comm opinions. What I said was "Perhaps he's an egotistical male chauvinist who doesn't value Prof Comm opinions..." I have not made any accusations nor have I put Bill up for slander. Look, I'm sure Bill is the bloody Messiah and the one to end all wars, but all I said was he has to put his emotions in check and realise that working in a team means to watch out for your team members as well.

Perhaps you have a counter-argument to mine. That's great. But do we need another Malaysia - Singapore spat here? Let our governments deal with that. Between the two of us, we have bigger fishes to fry :O

Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!

Yours sincerely,
John Ng
Catalyst editor 2007

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