This is a blog about John, his dog Toby and his furry duck Ducky. Ok seriously, just another RMIT Television blog. Nothing to see here. Moving on now.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Studying Television - A Prof Comm student's pain

Paul/David, if you're reading this, understand Prof Comm students' plight. Remember, we're in Year 3, not Year 2 like most Media kids.

I had a chat with fellow Third Year Prof Comm student Matt this morning. Matt doesn't attend our tutorial, but as he's busy on his scheduled tutorial, he's opted to sit in with us today.

Sitting next to me and observing all the various cuts of Lenny that groups of students had to make, Matt and I talked about how hard it is for Prof Comm students to 'cut it' with the Media students.

Matt lamented to me that as the only Prof Comm student in his group of four - the other three being Media students - he feels like his weight and opinion isn't felt as it's always a three against one vote. Now because of this non-democratic way of voting, Matt has to travel to bloody Shepparton to shoot. Other members of his group include Steve and Sandra. Now I know Steve and Sandra, not well, but enough to know they are capable of doing good work.

Matt, on the other hand, I do not know well personally, but I know he's a honest and smart fellow who likes being heard. After three years studying together under the same roof, you do get to know which students are the good ones you turn to if you need help, who you turn to for advice, and who NOT to turn to for group assignments. Matt is one of those I'd definitely partner with, if I had the chance to.

I felt Matt's pain, but not in the same way.

Both Matt and I like to take charge of group assignments. In my two years of group assignments, I have always assumed the role of the leader and delegated work to the group mates and took it upon myself to get things done. It has put me in good stead and I always scored good grades.

In TV1, it's different.

I'm grouped with Sam, Alice, Lily and Charlotte. This is a group with a very good team dynamic - we communicate well and get along fine with one another. One thing sticks out like a sore thumb. Me.

Choosing TV1 as a subject wasn't something I was overzealous about. I picked TV 1 coz I was keen on learning Final Cut Pro and having an opportunity to get behind the camera, instead of getting in front of the computer. I was very conscious of my Catalyst commitments when I enrolled earlier this year, so I knew I needed a subject that would force me out of staring at books or chunks of text on computers. So it was a toss-up between Radio 1 or TV 1.

But I have to admit, apart from those catalysts (ha!), I had no knowledge of television, shot making or anything of that matter. Media studies was foreign to me.

When we gather to shoot, I feel like I know NOTHING. Because Charlotte is sick and went away to Thailand, I won't analyse her. Sam and Alice are both in Media, and obviously have a vested interest in the subject itself. They're talented and creative and like making movies through various forms. Lily obviously has a television background and though she's busy half the time, she makes it up with her knowledge.

I, on the other hand, am always present at meetings or shoots, but simply am not able to contribute coz I know absolutely fuck all about anything.

This was really obvious in our tutorials yesterday. While running through the various Lennies, people in the class were all nodding their heads, pointing out stuff to each other and commenting on it. I was completely lost and needed Lily to tell me why that shot was done intentionally, why this scene had crossed the fucking line and why that version of overexposed Lenny wasn't intentional.

I felt like Paul, while with all good intention, was talking to me coz he looks at shots from tv or film differently from how I look at it. I look at them just as what they are - the story it is trying to tell, the beauty of the soundtrack and the gorgeous landscape.

Paul on the other hand, mentioned that watching film and studying it is like 'math and counting' and it seemed so easy and convenient for him. I know this is his passion, and he obviously loves his craft.

It's not like I don't read the dossier. But something as hands-on as TV 1 needs to be watched, listened and practiced on. It's definitely a visual and aural thing. There's only so much one can learn from the reading.

To conclude, and to reiterate Matt's opinion.

Matt and I are both in Prof Comm coz we are both interested in all aspects of Communication. In choosing TV1, we all had reasons to pick it. In my case, it was taking a break from Catalyst and learning FCP. In Matt's, I don't know coz he didn't tell me. But we came to one truth.

Our true love is Journalism (either broadcast or print), which is why we're both pursuing Journalism in our Third Year. Paired with all these talented young film-makers who are brimming with ideas, we both feel fucking useless.

Outclassed and outperformed, rather.

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