This is a blog about John, his dog Toby and his furry duck Ducky. Ok seriously, just another RMIT Television blog. Nothing to see here. Moving on now.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Last week of the semester

We received an email from Paul last week on reflections and self-assessments and I've decided to give it a go at answering it right now.

In the tutes next week we will be doing your self and peer assessments. If you cannot attend could you contact your tutor beforehand and we will organise another time to do it.

I've decided to give myself a CREDIT. I missed a couple of lectures and only one tutorial and was always in class, learning and understanding the big bright world of television. I feel that I am far behind to many Media students who can see themselves as a Media professional in the years to come. I only take Media as a learning subject as I'm mildly interested, and my enthusiasm, while great, cannot compete or compare with the Media students' knowledge and expertise. Many of them have been dabbling with little tv projects since their Year 9 days. Geez.

Technically, I feel that I have learnt a lot in the last 13 weeks, even though most times I still feel like a tame little church mouse who asks too many questions. I cannot give myself a DISTINCTION as my group mates understand, did and performed better than I did, and it'll be unfair to myself or them.

This is a really constructive preview screening. Each group will watch and critique each other’s rough cuts. Last year this proved to be an invaluable process. As you know it is easy to get yourselves in to a situation where you can lose objectivity. It is terrific to hear the great suggestions that your fellow students come up with.

Sam and Charlotte gave us a headstart and came up with a good rough cut of Greg and William, which laid the foundations for Alice and I. Which brings me to Alice.

She has been phenomenal in this aspect. The two of us met up on Friday for editing, and expected to stay in the suite for only two hours. But somehow the next class didn't turn up, we ended up staying past two hours and we spent a total of seven hours in the suite. Okay, I stayed for only an hour-and-a-half, but Alice was a champion. As we had the luxury of filming a week or two weeks before many other teams, we did not rush with our editing and were lucky to have booked in the editing studio with no one else in sight.

I really am glad that this team is dedicated and are keen to do work. So many horror stories have been heard and seen with dodgy group mates who do no work and expect you to carry their fucking asses (last year's Broadcast Media come to mind).

These sessions should generate a reflective and analytical blog post on yours and your other tute members films.

I give myself a CREDIT for my blog (barely). I havn't been diligent enough to blog consistently, or talk about television aspects of lighting, scenes or things that interested me on film or television. Looking at fellow students' blogs - Lionel's come to mind - it's frightening how enthusiastic they are about television. Posts were regular and consistent and were always interesting (even though I had no fucking clue what Lionel is talking about some times).

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