This is a blog about John, his dog Toby and his furry duck Ducky. Ok seriously, just another RMIT Television blog. Nothing to see here. Moving on now.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Lenny: Filming and Editing

The team arrived on the dot at 3.30pm with Wilson and Gabriella as our unwilling actors. I was assigned to sound and made a complete Tom Foolery out of myself, but I have to admit that I learnt more about Sound than I had in my last 28 years of existence.

When we plopped the footage onto Final Cut Pro in the evening, some bits of the sound were raspy and peaked. Handling the boom mike for the first time, I was more concerned about getting the boom out of shot and not making any shaky boom sounds. I only paid attention to the readings when I remembered to; sound was decent in the first half, but when we changed our shots to close-ups, the proximity of the boom to the actors was too close and the sound peaked several times.

Failing to adjust the volume meant the team struggled with editing as it sounded pretty bad. But we were warming to Paul's reminder that he wanted as many mistakes as possible in 'Lenny'; it's all about learning and making mistakes now. Makes perfect sense.

Alice has just made an entry on our shooting today. Thought it reflected the day's shoot - some hiccups, but everyone went home happy and satisfied.

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