This is a blog about John, his dog Toby and his furry duck Ducky. Ok seriously, just another RMIT Television blog. Nothing to see here. Moving on now.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

This Post Is Not For Assessment Paul! But read it as it has feedback:O

After viewing all films earlier in the evening with all TV1 students, I became acutely aware that there's a lot of talent among the students. Also, I can safely say that my group's take on Bloodhounded 2 is far, far superior to the other group's take. It's funnier, doesn't have those two lame Asians (Asians generally stick out like a sore thumb in a white-dominated media environment) who became the focus of the movie with their Asian stereotype looks, dressing and accents. For once I do not care if they are perfect casting for the movie; if you want to get an Asian, get a pan-Asian. Or an Asian who isn't an International Student. It's quite obvious those Asians aren't locals. The conventional Asian look simply distracts viewers.

But anyway, I meant to vent steam about how some of the Media students are far more advanced in technical abilities and knowledge. Paul, if you read this, remember that I have stressed several times (and I'm not the only one) that Prof Comm students pale in comparison to the Media kids. As far as I know, ALL Prof Comm students are pursuing TV as an interest, but do not see TV as a career. Many of the Media kids do see TV as an enviable career choice, and are fucking good at it.

I got home earlier and went through every student blog. Several Prof Comm students have their grievances about being paired with Media students as we are always outnumbered. And out-thought. And out-inspired.

I could be wrong, but most of the Prof Commers wish to pursue a career in PR, Marketing, Journalism or the likes, so none of us have the insane knowledge, expertise and craftmanship of the Bills, Matts, Lionels and Steves. And these people have their little posse of friends who worship the ground they step on, making it extremely hard for the Prof Commies to generate any input.

I felt extremely saddened that Ariel was told off by the Director of her group. Bill was in no position to tell her off this way. Perhaps he's an egotistical male chauvinist who doesn't value Prof Comm opinions, but no one deserves a verbal lashing. I know which day this happened, as earlier this week I saw an extremely upset Ariel in campus. She has been shedding some tears; I didn't know why then. But now I do.

I was lucky to have a group that was really friendly and chatty and had no airs about them. But towards the end differences in opinions and lack of communication soured the friendships and split the group dynamics into two, which was very obvious. And that makes me sad. I didn't come to uni after ten years in the workforce to see teenagers being bullied by other teenagers, or friendships ruined due to work differences.

Which makes me proud of the big brother role that I have been playing since Year One. Arbitrator is always better than Antagonisor.

I'm only hoping I have a great bunch of people to work with in TV2. Wish to graduate with a bang, with no enemies and lots of friends.

Have a great holiday everyone.

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