This is a blog about John, his dog Toby and his furry duck Ducky. Ok seriously, just another RMIT Television blog. Nothing to see here. Moving on now.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Perhaps it's a reflection of who i am in person, but i'm a huge fan of comedy. Slapstick and self-deprecatory humor in particular.

I'm not the biggest movie buff out there; the Media students i'm with are very scary with their knowledge of old and new movies alike. These are kids, i kid not, who spout off films and lines and references from films before i was born. And i'm born in the 70s! Geez...

There's a particular style of movie-making that i'm attracted to. It involves gritty images (for the lack of a better word), handheld camera shots juxtaposed with animation and ideally (though not necessary), it's broken into several pieces and played randomly or in no fixed format. Memento and Babel comes into mind.

I've always thought it can't be THAT difficult to pull a Memento off. But after sitting through Diane's lectures, i'm beginning to have a greater appreciation for 'fragmented' movie-making. Boy it's hard alright...

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